
HubSpot, a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing platform, has transformed the way companies manage their customer interactions and marketing campaigns.
In this section, you’ll discover articles detailing the use of HubSpot in marketing automation, lead management and high-performance content creation.
Whether through concrete examples or more global reflections, we discuss how HubSpot fits into companies’ growth strategies.

Chief Revenue Officer

The role of Chief Revenue Officers is changing fast: why integrated tools are essential to success

The role of Chief Revenue Officers (CROs) has evolved considerably in recent years.
Once primarily responsible for generating revenue through sales, today’s CROs face a much broader and more complex mandate.
They must now integrate marketing, sales, CRM and operations to create harmonious revenue streams.
This requires breaking down silos between departments, fostering collaboration and using accurate data to ensure sustainable growth.

The role of Chief Revenue Officers is changing fast: why integrated tools are essential to success Read More »

Marketing Automation

Free marketing automation software: A detailed overview

Marketing automation has become an essential tool for businesses looking to automate their processes, engage customers and increase sales. For small businesses or startups, cost can be a major obstacle, but fortunately, several marketing automation platforms offer free versions with interesting features. Here’s a detailed look at some of the best free marketing automation software

Free marketing automation software: A detailed overview Read More »

Mastering the Marketing Mix: Strategies and Practices for Success

Mastering the Marketing Mix: Strategies and Practices for Success

In today’s business world, where competition is fierce and consumers increasingly demanding, mastering the marketing mix has become essential for any company seeking to stand out and prosper.
The marketing mix concept, although first developed in the 1960s, remains a cornerstone of modern marketing strategy.
This article, “Mastering the Marketing Mix: Strategies and Practices for Success”, aims to provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to the various elements of the marketing mix and how to integrate them coherently to maximize a company’s success.

Mastering the Marketing Mix: Strategies and Practices for Success Read More »

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