Measuring, KPIs & optimising marketing performance

Performance measurement and optimisation are essential for assessing the effectiveness of your marketing activities. Here you’ll find tips and tools for continuously improving your results.

Marketing Mix » Measuring, KPIs & optimising marketing performance
Marketing Mix Modeling BI

Marketing Mix Modeling: Combining Creativity and Data-Driven Optimization

Marketing mix modeling (MMM) can be seen as an evolution of traditional marketing analysis, adapted to the complexities of today’s data-driven, digital environment.
Fundamentally, MMM refers to a set of statistical techniques used to measure the impact of various marketing activities (such as advertising, promotions, pricing and distribution) on business results, such as sales or brand value.

Marketing Mix Modeling: Combining Creativity and Data-Driven Optimization Read More »

Essential statistical tools

The essential tools of statistical analysis: A guide to modern data interpretation

At a time when data is at the heart of decision-making in many sectors, the importance of statistical analysis tools has never been greater.
Whether to assess market trends, improve business operations or advance scientific research, understanding and applying statistical techniques helps to make sense of complex data sets.
But what are the essential tools of statistical analysis today?
This article explores some of the most important tools and software on which statisticians and data analysts rely.

The essential tools of statistical analysis: A guide to modern data interpretation Read More »

Bass Model Forecasting

Bass Model Forecast

The Bass diffusion model predicts the timing of new product purchases by assuming that the probability of purchase depends on the number of previous buyers.
It uses coefficients for innovative and imitative behavior to predict the adoption of consumer durables, among other products.
Innovation coefficient
(p): Represents the influence of external factors on product adoption.
Imitation coefficient
(q) : Represents the influence of previous adopters on potential adopters.
Total potential market (m): The total number of potential adopters of the product.

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