Multidimensional Preference Analysis in Marketing

Multidimensional Preference Analysis in Marketing

Multidimensional Preference Analysis is a method used in marketing to assess customer preferences on several attributes or dimensions. This tool helps companies understand which factors (dimensions) are most important to their customers, and how these factors influence their decisions. For example, when evaluating products or services, customers may consider dimensions such as price, quality, brand reputation and availability.

By collecting and analyzing this preferred data, marketers can make more informed decisions about product offerings, pricing strategies or brand positioning.

Tool explanation

The HTML and JavaScript tool you’ve provided allows users to enter their level of preference for four key dimensions:

  1. Price
  2. Quality
  3. Trademark
  4. Availability

Each of these dimensions is rated on a scale from 1 (least important) to 5 (very important). After entering their preferences, the tool calculates an average of the preferences and visualizes the results on a radar chart using the Chart.js library.

Tool operation

  1. Preference table: Users are invited to enter their level of preference for each dimension by selecting a number between 1 and 5 in the table. This simulates how customers might prioritize different aspects of a product.
  2. Analyze Preferences” button: When the user clicks on the “Analyze Preferences” button, the tool collects the values entered in the table. It then calculates the total preference score and determines the average preference for the four dimensions.
  3. Results display: The average score is displayed as a summary for the user. In addition to this, a radar graph is generated to visualize the distribution of preferences across dimensions. This visual representation is crucial, as it enables marketers to see at a glance which attributes are most important to customers.

Example of use for a company

Let’s imagine you’re marketing a smartphone. Your customers may have different preferences based on the following aspects:

  • Price: Some customers are more price-sensitive, preferring less expensive options.
  • Quality: Others might give priority to the phone’s quality, such as its durability or its camera.
  • Brand: Customers loyal to a brand may value a product more because of the brand’s reputation.
  • Availability: Immediate availability may be a priority for some customers, especially if they need a phone quickly.

By using this tool to investigate customer preferences, you might discover that most customers place a high value on quality and brand, but are less concerned about availability. This information would influence your marketing strategy, perhaps by emphasizing product quality in your advertising or highlighting brand reputation in your campaigns.

Visualization with Radar Graphics

The radar chart used in this tool provides a clear visual representation of multidimensional data. Each axis of the radar chart represents one of the dimensions (Price, Quality, Brand, Availability). The further away a point is along the axis, the higher the preference for that dimension.

For example, if the customer attaches great importance to quality but cares little about brand, the graph will show a large peak on the “Quality” axis but a smaller peak on the “Brand” axis. This visualization enables marketers to easily interpret the data and act accordingly.

Dynamic tool behavior

One of the key features of this tool is that it resets the radar graph every time the user clicks on the “Analyze Preferences” button. This allows users to continually enter different preference values and see the updated results, making the tool interactive and user-friendly.


This tool demonstrates howMultidimensional Preference Analysis can be implemented using HTML and JavaScript. It enables marketers to collect and analyze customer preferences across different product dimensions, providing valuable information that can help adapt marketing strategies, product development and customer targeting.

By using such a tool, companies can make data-driven decisions that match customer priorities, resulting in greater customer satisfaction and marketing effectiveness.

Multidimensional preference analysis

Preferences table

DimensionPreference level (1-5)


New Potential Version Available

Another version of this tool may be available in the ToolBØX section of the site. We invite you to consult this section regularly for the latest updates and improvements.

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