Operational marketing and execution

Operational marketing is all about implementing concrete strategies that generate immediate results.
In this section, we guide you through the effective execution of your marketing plans.
From project management to implementation in the field, learn how to turn your ideas into measurable, high-performance actions.

Marketing Mix » Operational marketing and execution
Machine Learning for Business Analytics

Book “Machine Learning for Business Analytics”

‘Machine Learning for Business Analytics’ by Galit Shmueli, Peter C. Bruce, Kuber R. Deokar and Nitin R. Patel is a comprehensive and detailed book on the concepts, techniques and applications of machine learning in business analytics. This fourth edition, published in 2023, is aimed primarily at students and professionals seeking to master the tools and methods of predictive analysis and data mining.

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Web scraping

What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping is the automated process of extracting data from websites.
It involves using software tools or scripts to collect large quantities of publicly available data from the web.
This method is widely used by companies, researchers and individuals to efficiently gather information for a variety of purposes.
Here’s a more detailed explanation of web scraping.

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Effective Bid Advertising

The evolution of Real-Time Bidding (RTB): A collection of documents

In the ever-changing landscape of digital advertising, Real-Time Bidding (RTB) has emerged as one of the most transformative technologies.
This process enables advertisers to bid in real time for advertising space on websites, ensuring that the most relevant ads are displayed to targeted audiences in milliseconds.
For professionals, researchers and students keen to understand the intricacies of RTB, a valuable resource has been assembled on GitHub, providing a comprehensive collection of academic publications and studies on the subject.

The evolution of Real-Time Bidding (RTB): A collection of documents Read More »

How artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing digital advertising

How artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing digital advertising

In recent years, digital advertising has been profoundly transformed by the emergence of automated targeting, bidding, and ad optimization, all propelled by advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).
These technologies are redefining the way advertisers run their campaigns, offering a more efficient, targeted and cost-effective approach to reaching their audiences.
This article explores in detail the impact of AI and ML on digital advertising, showing how these tools optimize advertising campaigns, simplify bidding processes and open up new possibilities for personalization.

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Brand Development Index (BDI)

Brand Development Index (BDI)

The Brand Development Index (BDI) is an indicator that measures a brand’s relative performance in a particular market segment (e.g., geographic region, demographic group, or other segmentation criteria).
It enables this performance to be compared with the brand’s overall performance in the market as a whole.

Brand Development Index (BDI) Read More »

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